The Management of Oil Industry Exploration & Production Data

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1 Introduction 12 Physical data
2 Value of data 13 Documents
3 Subsurface data 14 Auditing
4 Current practice 15 Quality
5 DMBoK 16 Other elements
6 Governance 17 Assessing
7 Architecture 18 Glossary
8 Development 19 Figures
9 Operations 20 Bibliography
10 Security 21 Index
11 Corporate data 22 Further info
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9 Data Operations

The delivery of effective data handling services to the user community is at the heart of any data management group. The most effective service delivery groups use the IT standards outlined in this chapter as checklists.

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A color PDF file containing the figures from this chapter can be downloaded from here for private study  

New Material

Since the book was written we have identified a number of new items that help illuminate the material in Chapter 9:

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New Item 9.3
Should data management be part of IT?
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New Item 9.2
Boasting about the previous success of data initiatives is an essential part of the job
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New Item 9.1
A short piece on why contrasting the efficiency of data handling services needs careful thought


In the book Chapter 9 contains references to the following related material:

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Book Ref 34
itSMF International (2008) "IT Service Management Based on ITIL v3"

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