The Management of Oil Industry Exploration & Production Data

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1 Introduction 12 Physical data
2 Value of data 13 Documents
3 Subsurface data 14 Auditing
4 Current practice 15 Quality
5 DMBoK 16 Other elements
6 Governance 17 Assessing
7 Architecture 18 Glossary
8 Development 19 Figures
9 Operations 20 Bibliography
10 Security 21 Index
11 Corporate data 22 Further info
Upcoming events New articles Extra material Links
Sample chapter Figures Bibliography Extra material Historical Papers

4 Current practice

The way that subsurface data is handled in different companies obviously varies greatly, a Shell or Exxon inevitably has to be more prescriptive than a "two dentists and a geologist" company occupying a single room in downtown Calgary. Over the years some general patterns have been discerned and these are described in this chapter.

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A color PDF file containing the figures from this chapter can be downloaded from here for private study  

New Material

Since the book was written we have identified a number of new items that help illuminate the material in Chapter 4:

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New Item 4.11
Contrasing the impact of people, process, tools and data helps clarify current issues
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New Item 4.10
Jane McConnell's list of 10 things she hates about current data management
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New Item 4.9
The data landscape emerges from the decisions of data users
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New Item 4.8
All good data managers know that paranoia is a good thing
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New Item 4.7
A duty of confidentiality holds for all the work data managers do
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New Item 4.6
The concept of Maturity for data management is now fairly mature
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New Item 4.5
The rapid increase in data volumes is a sign of past success, not future problems
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New Item 4.4
Why defining standards is complex the Petris view
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New Item 4.3
Checklists make it easier to be consistent, why would you not use them?
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New Item 4.2
Nigel Corbin's original introduction of the Data Management roundabout
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New Item 4.1
This is intended just for fun, a cutout and make version of Nigel Corbin's Data Management roundabout


In the book Chapter 4 contains references to the following related material:

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Book Ref 13
Foreman, R. & Stone, M. (2012) "Data Management: A Strategy for the Long Haul" presented at PNEC 16
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Book Ref 14
Priest, M. Ali, F. & Baghazal, M. (2011) "Building Sustainable Information & Knowledge Management Processes at RasGas" presented at PNEC 15
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Book Ref 15
Kozman, J. & Hawtin, S. (2008) "The Main Sequence: Matching Data Management Change to the Organization" presented at PNEC 12
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Book Ref 16
Garbarini, M., Catron R.E. and Pugh, R. (2008) "Improvements in the Management of Structured and Unstructured Data" IPTC12035 presented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference 2008
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Book Ref 17
Marechal, A. and Robert, A. (1998) "The Road to Information Management in the Oil Industry" from 15th World Petroleum Congress
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Book Ref 18
Miller, R.G. and Gardner, J.S. (1995) "Geoscience data value, cost and management in the oil industry" in Geological Society, London, Special Publications 1995

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